The distinguished italian linguist tullio de mauro has estimated that at the time of unification , just 2.5 percent of the population spoke italian -- that is , the florentine vernacular that evolved from the works of dante and boccaccio .
" Writers like petrarch and giovanni boccaccio in italy , franois rabelais in france , and william shakespeare in england produced works that emphasized the intricacies of human character . "
Boccaccio also discussed this question : two women also fallen in love with a young man , a woman brave told his palpitations , another woman far is stopped , exactly which the young woman love more ?
Instead , dante turned back to the streets , picking up the real florentine language spoken by the residents of his city ( who included such luminous contemporaries as boccaccio and petrarch ) and using that language to tell his tale .
Officials say the ship , al salam boccaccio 98 , disappeared from radar screens shortly after sailing from the port of dubah in western saudi arabia late thursday .