- We can 't separate his religion and doxology .
- 我们不可分开保罗的属灵经验,和他的赞美敬拜.
- The fifth book has no need of an appended doxology .
- 第五本书没有需要一个附加doxology。
- Each book , save the last , ends with a doxology .
- 每一本书,保存过去,最后提出了。
- Paul uses , in a powerful doxology his complete name with all the implications : jesus christ our lord .
- 保罗在强有力的颂赞中,用了含有所有内涵的他的全名:主耶稣基督。
- The doxology in the form in which we know it has been used since about the seventh century all over western christendom , except in one corner .
- 在表格中,我们知道它已被使用,因为对西方基督教世界各地七世纪,除了在一个角落里。