用法例句 Service-based capacity strategy for manufacturing service duopoly of differentiated prices and lognormal random demand . 制造服务产业以产能服务为考量的竞争分析:差异品质与对数常态需求之双占情境。 The distribution of returns over periods of , say , one year would be better approximated by a lognormal distribution . 以一段期间,比方说,以一年为期间的回报率的分布将更近似对数正态分布。 Component 's life and repair time includes six kinds ofdistributions : exponential , normal , lognormal , gamma , beta and weibull . 元件寿命分布和维修时间分布包含六种型式:指数分布,正态分布,对数正态分布,伽玛分布,贝塔分布和威布尔分布。 On the hypothesis of the underlying asset price following lognormal process , we can extend the way of asset price logprofit process approach to multi-asset options pricing . 在标的资产价格遵循对数正态过程假设下,把资产价格对数收益过程逼近方法扩展到多资产期权定价上。