用法例句 The kindle continues to buoy earnings at the online purveyor of books and just about everything else . 电子阅读器Kindle继续推动着这家在线图书销售公司的销售收入不断增长,并成为几乎所有其他业务增长的推动器。 Facebook is not becoming a purveyor of media products , like apple or amazon.com . 脸谱不是正在成为一个媒体产品的承办商,像苹果公司或亚马逊网站一样。 In the broadest sense , the practice of one purveyor of goods doing trade with another is as old as commerce itself . 在最广的意义上,这种一个承办商和另一个进行贸易的做法和商业一样古老。 Chevron , an oil firm , brands itself as a purveyor of " human energy " , though presumably it does not really want you to travel by rickshaw . 石油公司雪佛龙在自己的商标上印上“‘人类体能’的供应商”的字样,尽管它大概并非真的希望你用人力车代步。 Canada is far and away the biggest purveyor of crude to its southern neighbor , hitting a record 2.2 million barrels a day last year as its share of the u. s.market grew by 12 percent . 对美国而言,加拿大无疑是美国北部最大的石油供应商,加拿大去年的石油产量是一天二百二十万桶,对美国的石油出口较之以前增长了百分之十二。