The law was supposed to uproot the country 's colonial legacy of concentrated landownership .
India 's evil caste system remains entrenched in spite of government efforts to uproot it , a racist system that condemns darker skinned indians to a life of penury and servitude .
But others condemn the deals as neocolonial land grabs that destroy villages , uproot tens of thousands of farmers and create a volatile mass of landless poor .
It also includes the controversial belo monte amazonian dam , which will be the world 's third-largest when it 's completed but promises to flood more than 160 square miles of forest and uproot tens of thousands of indigenous people .
Their primary goal is to uproot thailand 's western-style democracy , which they contend that cash-rich populists such as mr. thaksin can easily manipulate , and replace it with a system where bureaucrats and other civic groups have a greater say in selecting parliament .