- She is in the womb , surrounded by warm water .
- 她在子宫里,被温暖的水包围着。
- The surrounding seas have long been regarded as japan 's protective armour , or sometimes its womb .
- 日本人一直将环绕国土的大海看作是自己的铠甲,有时甚至将她看作是自己的发源地。
- In most cases , this will involve transferring only one embryo to the womb at a time .
- 在大部分情况下,这牵涉到每次只能把一个胚胎移植到了宫里去。
- Instead , I imagined hattie and me forming in the womb .
- 不过,我倒是想象过海蒂和我如何在子宫里成形的。
- The womb shrivelled within a few months .
- 那个子宫几个月以后枯萎了。