旁通 Grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category.; to reason by analogy; to single out one thing and bring out its interrelationships; to draw parallels from its inference 释名 名茨、屈人、止行、休羽、升推。 气味 (子)苦、温、无毒。(白蒺藜:甘、温、无毒) 主治 1、腰脊痛。用蒺藜子捣成末,加蜜做成丸子,如胡豆大,每服二丸,酒送下。一天服三次。
Grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category.; to reason by analogy; to single out one thing and bring out its interrelationships; to draw parallels from its inference 释名 名茨、屈人、止行、休羽、升推。 气味 (子)苦、温、无毒。(白蒺藜:甘、温、无毒) 主治 1、腰脊痛。用蒺藜子捣成末,加蜜做成丸子,如胡豆大,每服二丸,酒送下。一天服三次。