zhōu wén wáng


  • 词语读音zhōu wén wáng
  • 词语注音ㄓㄡ ㄨㄣˊ ㄨㄤˊ
  • 繁体字形


辞典解释周文王zhōu wén wáng 帝号。姓姬名昌,生卒年不详。商纣时为西伯,建国于岐山之下,积善行仁,政化大行,因崇侯虎向纣王进谗言,而被囚于羑里,后得释归。益行仁政,天下诸侯多归从,子武王有天下后,追尊为文王。 英语 King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 BC)​, reigned c. 1099-1056 BC as king of Zhou state, leading figure in building the subsequent Western Zhou dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] the first Zhou dynasty king



周文王zhōu wén wángㄓㄡ ㄨㄣˊ ㄨㄤˊ


英语 King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 BC)​, reigned c. 1099-1056 BC as king of Zhou state, leading figure in building the subsequent Western Zhou dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] the first Zhou dynasty king


