辞典解释孔丛子kǒng cóng zǐ 书名。旧传孔子八世孙鲋撰,盖后人依托之书,三卷。记孔子以下子上、子高、子顺等人的言行,凡二十篇。 英语 the K'ung family Masters' anthology, collection of dialogues between Confucius and his disciples, possibly forged in third century by Wang Su 王肅|王肃[Wang2 Su4]
孔丛子kǒng cóng zǐㄎㄨㄥˇ ㄘㄨㄥˊ ㄗˇ
英语 the K'ung family Masters' anthology, collection of dialogues between Confucius and his disciples, possibly forged in third century by Wang Su 王肅|王肃[Wang2 Su4]