左右开弓 zuǒyòu-kāigōng
[shoot first with one hand,then with the other;shoot first to one side,then to the other;to draw the bow both on the left and right] 双手都能射箭。喻左边一下、右边一下做同一动作
传统武术的招式名称。健身术八段锦中有「左右开弓似射雕」一项,乃两臂作张弓式 的运动。
英语 lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom), fig. to display ambidexterity, to slap with one hand and then the other, in quick succession, to use both feet equally (football)
【示例】那兴儿真个自己~,打了自己十几个嘴巴。 ◎清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六十七回